Updated: March 6, 2025
Area | Short Code(s) | Reserved Name(s) |
Academic Center for Excellence | ACE | |
Academic Recruitment Organization | ARO | |
Admissions & Records | AR | |
Admissions & Records | SLATE | |
Advising First | AF | |
Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy | AME | |
Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics, and Energy | POLYSONIC | |
Alumni Association | ALUMNI | |
Alumni Association | SEMINOLECLUBS | |
Alumni Association | WESCOTTBRICKS | |
Anchored Hybrid Enrichment | AHE | |
Animal Care and Use Committee | ACUCSECRETARY | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | ANNES | ANNESCOLLEGE, CEHHS, CHHS, CHS, COE, EDUCATION, HUMANSCIENCES |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | CAENRA | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | FCS | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | JVIB | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | NFES | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | THEGUTBIOMELAB | |
Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences | ISSM | |
Askew Student Life Center | ASLC | ASKEW |
Association of Retired Faculty and Staff | RETIREDFACULTY | |
Athletics | ATH | ATHLETICS |
Athletics | COACHJARRETT | |
Athletics | SOFTBALLCAMPS | |
Build Your Foundation Program | BUILDYOURFOUNDATION | |
Campus Event Services | CAMPUSEVENTSERVICES | |
Campus Recreation | HELLO | |
Campus Recreation | REC | |
Campus Reimagined | CRI | |
Capital Region Real Time Crime Center | CRRTCC | RTCC |
Center for Academic and Professional Development | LEARNINGFORLIFE | |
Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement | CARE | |
Center for Environmental and Climate Resilience | CECR | |
Center for Global Engagement | CGE | GLOBE |
Center for Global Engagement | GLOBALCITIZEN | |
Center for Global Engagement | GLOBALEXCHANGES | |
Center for Global Engagement | INTERCULTURALTRAINING | |
Center for Global Engagement | INTERNATIONAL | |
Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness | CHAW | |
Center for Intensive English Studies | CIES | |
Center for Leadership & Service | VOTE | |
Center for Leadership & Social Change | NCBI | |
Center for Leadership & Social Change | VISTA | |
Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy | CPEIP | |
Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy | PARTNERSFORAHEALTHYBABY | |
Center for Sport, Health, and Equitable Development | CSHED | |
Center for Undergraduate Research and Academic Engagement | CRE | |
Center of Population Sciences for Health Equity | CPSHE | |
Claude Pepper Center | PEPPER | |
Coastal Marine Lab | FSUCML | |
College of Arts & Sciences | SPECTRUM | |
College of Arts & Sciences (Dean's Office) | AS | |
College of Business | COB | BUSINESS, BIZ |
College of Business | FSUREALESTATE | |
College of Communication & Information | CCI | |
College of Criminology & Criminal Justice | CRIM | |
College of Engineering | ENG | ENGINEERING, FAMUFSUCOE |
College of Fine Arts | ARTSMAGAZINE | |
College of Fine Arts | CARNAGHIARTS | |
College of Fine Arts | CFA | |
College of Fine Arts | CVATD | |
College of Law | LAW | |
College of Medicine | MED | |
College of Motion Picture Arts | CMPA | FILM |
College of Motion Picture Arts | TORCHLIGHT | |
College of Music | MUSIC | CM |
College of Nursing | NURSING | |
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy | COSSPP | COSS |
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy | GRADUATE | |
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy | WOMENGRADNETWORK | |
College of Social Work | CSW | SOCIALWORK |
Collegiate Recovery Community | LIFT | |
Community Engagement | CE | |
Computing Technology Support | CTS | |
Controller's Office | CTL | |
Controller's Office | SUPPLIERPORTAL | |
Controller's Office | TRAVELCARD | |
Council of Associate Deans for Research | CADR | |
Counseling & Psychological Services | CPS | COUNSELING |
Couples Center for Family Therapy | CCFT | |
COVID-19 Technical Response Team | RETURN2021 | |
Create FSU | CREATE | |
Dean of Students | CASEMANAGEMENT | |
Dean of Students | SDRC | |
Department of Aerospace Studies | AFROTC | |
Department of Anthropology | ANTHRO | |
Department of Art History | ARTHISTORY | |
Department of Biological Science | NANOFLORIDA | |
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | UTC | |
Department of Classics | CLASSICS | |
Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science | GEOLOGYSEARCH | |
Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science | OCEANSEARCH | |
Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science | DRIFTERS | |
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies | ELPS | |
Department of Geography | GEOGRAPHY | |
Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences | HNFS | |
Department of Human Development & Family Science | HDFS | |
Department of Modern Language and Linguistics | MODLANG | MLL |
Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology | NIP | |
Department of Philosophy | PHILOSOPHY | |
Department of Physics | PHY | |
Department of Psychology | PSY | |
Department of Religion | REL | |
Department of Sociology | JHSB | |
Department of Sport Management | SPORTMANAGEMENT | |
Department of Student Engagement | STUDENTENGAGEMENT | |
Department of Student Support and Transitions Office | DSST | |
Department of Student Support and Transitions Office | FOODPANTRY | |
Department of Urban & Regional Planning | BARNEBEYLAB | |
Division of Student Affairs | SA | DSA, DOS |
Division of Student Affairs | VPSA | |
Division of Undergraduate Studies | CAMPUS-CONNECT | |
Division of Undergraduate Studies | PRESIDENTIALSCHOLARS | |
Division of Undergraduate Studies | UGS | UNDERGRADSTUDIES |
Division of Undergraduate Studies | UNDERGRADUATEOMBUDS | |
Donald L Tucker Civic Center | TUCKER | TUCKERCENTER |
Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science | EOAS | |
Emergency Management | EOC | |
Emergency Management and Homeland Security | EMHS | EM |
Engagement Ambassadors | EA | |
English Department | ENGLISH | |
Enrollment Management | EMT | |
Enterprise Resource Planning | ERP | |
Environmental Remediation | LLRWSITES | |
Facilities | FAC | FACILITIES |
Families First Coronavirus Response Act | FFCRA | |
Family Medical Leave Act | FMLA | |
Faulty Senate University Curriculum Committee | FS | |
Finance and Administration | VPFA | |
Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion | AME | |
Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion | FCAAP | |
Florida Center for Public Management | FCPM | |
Florida Costa Rica Linkage Institute | LINKAGE | |
Florida Institute for Child Welfare | FICW | |
Florida Institute for Child Welfare | FICWSEARCH | |
Florida Institute of Government | IOG | |
Florida Resources and Environmental Analysis Center | FREAC | RESILIENTINFRASTRUCTURE |
Florida Undergraduate Research Conference 2021 | FURC2021 | |
Fraternity and Sorority Life | FSL | OFSL |
FSU Advancement | NSFADVANCE | |
FSU Budget Office | BUDGET | |
FSU Campus Recreation | LEACHAQUATICS | |
FSU Civil Rights Institute | CIVILRIGHTSINSTITUTE | |
FSU Department of Military Science | ARMYROTC | |
FSU Follett Access Program | FOLLETTACCESS | |
FSU Foundation | FND | |
FSU Foundation | FSUCONNECT | |
FSU Foundation | ONEFSU | |
FSU Lakefront Park & Retreat Center | LAKEFRONT | |
FSU License Tag | MYTAG | |
FSU Panama | ROP | |
FSU Panama City | PCC | PC |
FSU Police Department | KEEPFSUSAFE | |
FSU Police Department | LOSTANDFOUND | |
FSU Police Department | POL | POLICE, FSUPD, FSUPDRTCC |
FSU Quantum Initiative | QUANTUM | |
FSU Reservation | CAMPFLASTACOWO | |
FSU School of Teacher Education | STE | SCHOOLOFTEACHEREDUCATION |
FSU Survey Foundry | SURVEYFOUNDRY | |
FSU Women's Basketball | WOMENSBASKETBALL | |
FSUPD Investigations Department | FSUPDINTEL | |
FSU-Teach | FSU-TEACH | |
Garnet & Gold Scholar Society | GARNETANDGOLDSCHOLAR | |
Governmental Relations | GOVREL | |
Graduate Assistance Hub | GAHUB | |
Graduate Ombuds | GRADUATEOMBUDS | |
Graduate Student Resource Center | GSRC | |
Green Labs Program | GREENLABS | |
Health Data Sciences Initiative | REDCAP | |
Honor Societies | MORTARBOARD | |
Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House | HSF | |
Human Development and Family Sciences | HDFS | |
IGNITE Tallahassee | IGNITE | |
Information Security and Privacy Office | GDPR | |
Information Security and Privacy Office | HIPAA | |
Information Security and Privacy Office | ISPO | |
Information Security and Privacy Office | PRIVACYINCIDENT | |
Information Technology Services | CETTESTING | |
Information Technology Services (Campus Business Analyst Team) | CS | |
Information Technology Services | CTSMGD | |
Information Technology Services | CYBERSECURITY | |
Information Technology Services | CYBERSECURITYTRAINING | |
Information Technology Services | CYOPS | |
Information Technology Services | DXT | |
Information Technology Services | ESIGNATURE | |
Information Technology Services | GREENTEAM | |
Information Technology Services | ITS | |
Information Technology Services | PCARD | |
Information Technology Services | RESPONSETEAM | |
Information Technology Services | SECUREAPPSPROD | |
Information Technology Services | SLATE | |
Information Technology Services | SSAR | |
Information Technology Services | TAC | |
Institute for Arts and Art Therapy with the Imprisoned | AATI | |
Institute for Family Violence Studies | MISSIONPOSSIBLE | |
Institute for Family Violence Studies | MISSIONPOSSIBLE | |
Institute for Governance and Civics | IGC | |
Institute for Trauma and Resilience Studies | ITRS | |
Institute of Politics | IOP | |
Institute of Successful Longevity | ISL | |
Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies | ISLT | |
International Programs | FLORENCE | |
International Programs | IP | |
International Programs | PHIKAPPAPHI | |
ITS Network Communications | ARUBACENTRAL | |
J-1 Exchange Visitor Program | JSCHOLAR | |
Jim Moran Building | JMB | |
Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship | JMC | JMS |
Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship | SEMINOLE100 | |
Laboratory Animal Resources | LAR | |
Leadership Awards Night | LEADERSHIPAWARDS | |
Learning Systems Institute | LSI | |
Learning Systems Institute | PEACECORPS | |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility | MRI | |
Multiple Withdrawal & Dismissal Committee | MWDC | |
National Symposium On Spanish As A Heritage Language | MODLANG | |
Native American and Indigenous Studies Center | NAIS | |
Network Communication Technologies | NCT | |
Network for Clinical Research, Training and Community Engagement | NCRT | |
New Student and Family Programs | FAMILYWEEKEND | |
New Student and Family Programs | NSFP | |
Office for Clinical Research Advancement | OCRA | |
Office of Accessibility Services | OAS | |
Office of Admissions | ADMISSIONS | |
Office of Admissions | RESIDENCY | |
Office of Admissions | STUDENT | |
Office of Admissions | VISIT | |
Office of Admissions | ADMISSIONSBLOG | |
Office of Admissions | ADMSOFFICER | |
Office of Admissions | CRM | |
Office of Admissions | ESINFO | |
Office of Admissions | GRADUATION | |
Office of Admissions | HOUSINGOFFICER | |
Office of Admissions | MERIT | |
Office of Admissions | ORIENTATION | |
Office of Admissions | PREVIEW | |
Office of Admissions | REFCLC | |
Office of Admissions | REGISTRAR | |
Office of Admissions | REGPUB | |
Office of Admissions | TC2 | |
Office of Admissions | TRANSCRIPTS | |
Office of Admissions | VISITORSERVICES | |
Office of Admissions | WEBHELP | |
Office of Admissions/Financial Aid | FINANCIALAID | |
Office of Admissions/University Registrar/Visitor Center | ACDSTATS | |
Office of Audit and Advisory Services | OAAS | IGS |
Office of Business Services | BOOKSTORE | |
Office of Business Services | COMPUTERSTORE | |
Office of Business Services | DINING | |
Office of Business Services | OBS | TAPS |
Office of Business Services | ORE | REALESTATE |
Office of Business Services | RECORDSMGMT | |
Office of Business Services | TRADITIONS | |
Office of Commercialization | 1CLIK | |
Office of Commercialization | COMMERCIALIZATION | |
Office of Community-Rooted Engagement | CORE | |
Office of Compliance and Ethics | CAMS | |
Office of Continuous Improvement & Training | IMPROVEMENT | |
Office of Distance Learning | ODL | |
Office of Faculty Development and Advancement | FDA | |
Office of Financial Aid | FA | OFA |
Office of Financial Aid (Staff) | OFACS | |
Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards | OGFA | |
Office of Human Resources | BENEFITS | |
Office of Human Resources | EAP | |
Office of Human Resources | HR | |
Office of Human Resources | INSURANCE | |
Office of Human Resources | KOGNITO | |
Office of Human Resources | MEAS | |
Office of Human Resources | ONBOARDING | |
Office of Human Resources | VETERAN | |
Office of Institutional Performance and Assessment | IPA | |
Office of Institutional Research | IR | |
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs | OPDA | |
Office of Public Policy Events | PUBLIC | PUBLICPOLICYEVENTS |
Office of Research Development | ORD | |
Office of Student Agencies and Institutes | SAI | |
Office of the General Counsel | GC | OGC, GENERALCOUNSEL |
Office of the President | COMPLIANCE | |
Office of the President | FIRSTLADYDRJAI | |
Office of the President | FOREIGNINFLUENCE | |
Office of the President | PRES | PRESIDENT |
Office of the President | PUBLICSAFETY | |
Office of the Provost | IEP | |
Office of the Provost | INNOVATION | |
Office of the Provost | MYFSUPATHWAY | |
Office of the Provost | PROVOST | PRO |
Office of the Provost | TITLEIX | |
Office of the Provost/Graduation Planning and Strategies Office | MOREINFOUR | |
Office of the Provost/Research and Creative Activity | INSPIRE | FLAME |
Office of the Vice President | POWEROFWE | |
Office of Trademark Licensing | LICENSING | |
Office of Withdrawal Services | WITHDRAWAL | |
Opening Nights | ON | ONPA |
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute | OLLI | |
Pepper Institute on Aging & Public Policy | AGING | |
Procurement Services | BUYERS | |
Procurement Services | CHANGEORDER | |
Procurement Services | CHANGEORDERS | |
Procurement Services | CONTRACTS | |
Procurement Services | EMARKET | |
Procurement Services | SOURCING | |
Procurement Services | SUPPLIERRELATIONS | |
Procurement Services | SPEARMART | |
Public Administration Review | PAR | |
Research and Creative Activity | ASPIRE | |
Research and Creative Activity | FACULTY | |
Research and Creative Activity | FSURF | |
Research and Creative Activity | RAMP | |
Research and Creative Activity | RSCH | RESEARCH |
Research and Creative Activity | THECONNECTOR | |
Resilience Institute for Strength and Empowerment | RISE | |
Ringling Museum of Art | RINGLING | |
Scientific Computing | SC | |
Seminole Boosters | CHAMPIONSCLUB | |
Seminole Boosters | COACHESCLUBS | |
Seminole Boosters | ONETRIBE | |
Seminole Boosters | SB | BOOSTERS |
Sliger Building Sustainable Green Team | SUSTAINABLECAMPUS | |
Social Change Peer Educators Program | SCPE | |
Society for Library & Information Science | SLIS | |
Southern College Health Association (SCHA) Conference | SCHA2022 | |
SouthWest Research Administration | SWRA | |
Sponsored Research Administration | SRA | |
Stoops Center for Communities, Families and Children | CFC | STOOPSCOLAB |
Student Alumni Association | SAA | |
Student Athlete Academic Services | SAAS | |
Student Conduct and Community Standards | SCCS | |
Student Conflict Resolution | CONFLICTRESOLUTION | |
Student Government Association | SBP | |
Student Government Association | SBT | |
Student Government Association | SBVP | |
Student Government Association | SGA | |
Student Organizations & Involvement | SOI | |
Student Success Collaborative | SSC | |
Student Union | BB | BOWLING |
Student Union | CIRCUS | |
Student Union | SU | STUDENTUNION, OU, UNION |
Student Union | UPDESIGN | |
Student Union | UPENTERTAINMENT | |
Student Union | UPVIDEO | |
Student Union | ART | NEWUNIONART |
Student Veterans Center | FLAGS | |
Student Veterans Center | VETERANS | SVA |
Student Veterans Center | SVC | |
Technology Enhanced Classrooms | TEC | |
The Big Event Tallahassee | THEBIGEVENT | |
The Career Center | CC | CAREER |
The Career Center | FSUSHADOW | |
The Career Center | INTERNFSU | |
The Career Center/Academic Center for Excellence | PRELAW | |
The Center for Leadership & Service | CLS | CLSC |
The Center for Leadership & Service | LEADERSHIP | |
The Center for the Advancement of Teaching | TEACHING | |
The Collegiate School (Panama City) | TCS | |
The Florida Channel | TFC | |
The Graduate School | COVID19 | |
The Graduate School | GRAD | |
The Graduate School | GRADCONNECTION | |
The Graduate School | GRADCRM | |
The Graduate School | GRADOMBUDS | |
The Graduate School | GRADUATEADMISSIONS | |
The Graduate School | GRADWORLD | |
The Institute on World War II and the Human Experience | SMH2017 | |
The Office of Distance Learning | CANVAS | |
The Office of Distance Learning | DISTANCE | |
The Office of National Fellowships | ONF | |
Theatre Community Engagement Office | THEATRE | |
Translational Behavioral Research | TRHEALTHJUSTICECO | |
Trauma & Resilience Collaborative | TRC | |
Trauma-Informed Parenting Group | TIPSFORPARENTS | |
Turnbull Conference Center | CONFERENCECENTER | |
Tyler Center for Global Studies | TYLERCENTER | |
U54 Grant | FLORIDAFIRST | |
UF-FSU Clinical and Translational Science Award | CTSA | |
Undergraduate Studies | UPC | |
Union Production | CDUBOOKINGASST | |
Union Production | UPPRASST | |
United Way Campaign | LIVEUNITED | |
University Advancement | ADVANCE | UA |
University Advancement | RAISETHETORCH | |
University Advancement | VPUNIVERSITYADVANCEMENT | |
University Business Administrators | UBA | |
University Communications | ADVOCATE | |
University Communications | FALL2020 | |
University Communications | SOCIALMEDIA | |
University Communications | UC | |
University Counseling Center | RENEW | |
University Counseling Center | UCC | |
University Health Services | DENTAL | |
University Health Services | HEALTHPROMOTION | |
University Health Services | MEDICALRECORDS | |
University Health Services | SMARTCHOICES | |
University Honors Program | HONORS | |
University Housing | LLC | |
University Housing | OFFCAMPUSLIFE | |
University Housing | UH | HOUSING, RESIDENCE |
University Libraries | LIB | |
University Marketing | BRAND | |
University Marketing | EASTEREGGS | |
University Marketing/University Relations | MISSIONPOSSIBLE | |
University Marketing | SURPRISE | |
University Marketing | M | |
University Marketing | UM | |
University Relations | EXECUTIVE | EXECUTIVESOUND |
University Relations | PRESIDENTSBOX | |
University Relations/Board of Trustees | GDR | |
Victim Advocate Program | VICTIMS | |
Winthrop-King Institute | WINTHROPKING | |
Women in Math, Science & Engineering Program | WIMSE | |
Zora Neale Hurston Speaker Series | ZNH | |
(Unknown) | DIGITALCAMPUS | |
(Unknown) | SIAMSEAS | |