Strata Three utilizes a selection of pre-defined image ratios with focus given to a preferred subset.
The 3:2 and 16:9 full-frame dimensions are preferred for most landscape oriented images. Some featured images may work best with the 3:1 ratio. Portraits with a 4:5 or 1:1 ratio are recommended. Figures and captions work well using 3:2 or 5:4.
Preferred Ratios: 1:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:5, 5:4, 16:9

Two-Up Display With Captions Below

This is a caption for the 3:2 ratio image.

This is a caption for the 3:2 ratio image.
Figures With Side Captions

This is a caption for the 5:4 ratio image with an additional .caption-side class.
Use a .caption-flip class to move text flush right.
Gallery Option: Landscapes

This is a caption for the 3:2 ratio image.

This is a caption for the 3:2 ratio image.

This is a caption for the 3:2 ratio image.
Gallery Option: Portraits
Nobis diam autem cui suscipere.
Blandit hos oppeto amet. Ideo ex odio luptatum defui. Abigo veniam pala volutpat quadrum velit in vulpes enim indoles aptent. Blandit hos oppeto amet. Ideo ex odio luptatum defui. Abigo veniam pala volutpat quadrum velit in vulpes enim indoles aptent.

This is a caption for the 4:5 ratio image.

This is a caption for the 4:5 ratio image.

This is a caption for the 4:5 ratio image.
Gallery Option: 6-UP (md, lg) / 2-UP (xs, sm)

Wrap videos within a .video container to enable a responsive embed.
/* Example automatic jQuery wrapper */ ( function( $ ) { $("iframe[src^='']").wrap( '<div class="video">'); } )( jQuery );